Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Despair and Disgust

It wouldn’t be accurate to say America—the Home of the Free and Land of the Brave—died last night. Rather it was more like seeing a cancer patient choose the disease over remission, or perhaps watching a drug-addicted loved one ignore the pleas of interventionists and stubbornly remain on the broad and winding road of self-destruction.

Instead what died, died in me—and that was hope for this country. I see no path to a better tomorrow. In a world where envy is rewarded and initiative reviled, those who produce will see the futility of their actions and surrender to the undeniable appeal of self-interest. (What dog, being tortured and consumed by fleas, might not prefer to become a flea himself?)

As the entrepreneurs, explorers, inventors and creators—many of whom are also misguided enablers in our sad drama—become fewer and fewer, we shall become a nation of hoarders, thieves and bandits. Only the bullies or well-connected will survive, and corruption will become the pre-eminent virtue. The government shall rise as the foretold beast to apportion shares of a rotting carcass to those most willing to pay obeisance.

Of course, this will not happen overnight. I am 51 and will likely be in my grave before the convulsive death of this not-so-brave world (with such pathetic people in it!). But I expect to be more and more harnessed and harassed by the state. With one more Obama-appointed Supreme Court Justice, the First and Second Amendments of the U.S. Constitution will be lost. The Commerce Clause will be stretched beyond absurdity, and Congress will decide to regulate whatever aspects of our lives it so pleases. When Congress declines, this president (and surely also those that follow) will simply issue “executive orders” to see his will done. Or maybe the unfettered bureaucracies will invent new mandates of their own. When there are complaints, enticements or exemptions will be dispensed to just enough demographic groups or special interests to keep the ruling class in power. For the individualists, or those who turn to something other than government for affirmation and reward, there will only be more and more hardship and servitude. Of course, when the rulers have acquired enough power, the fleas will have to go back to work and again produce to please their new masters. (I fervently hope that some of today’s Occupy Wall Street types are still around to get to meet THAT 1%!)

For now, and while I can, I will turn my back on the sad state of affairs that unfolded last evening. (Unfortunately, when the drug addict that refuses treatment is also the mayor, police chief and justice of the peace, there is only so much you can do to escape his madness.) But for what cold comfort it brings, I will pass through the stages of grief for the country that was, and move on. After all, there remain many things actually worth caring about until my time ends.

I must accept that the USA was nice while it lasted.